
Turkey Surprise

I was busily brushing Belle, one of our six Great Pyrenees, as she was full of matted hair, twigs, burrs and who knows what else, when Hubby, who was working on a new goat fence, whistled to me and pointed at one of our wood piles. I waived him off as I had my hands...

 One of the many benefits of living where your neighbors can't see you is being able to go outside dressed any way you want...in my case that is jammies and a robe. This morning it was cold and I was not quite ready to shower and meet the day, but our...

Start of another morning on the ranch

 The sun is just beginning to color the morning sky but already the animals are up and active.The young turkeys, who rarely if ever respect their boundaries, are again pushing their limits by trying to perch on our back porch.  Adam is having none of it and...

The stork was busy today

One of our Bourbon Red hens, Mango, has been sitting on a clutch of 14 eggs for 4 weeks.  I...

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