
Snoods are Flying

Our Bourbon Reds are fascinating birds; big, beautiful, entertaining, but sadly, not very bright…

Colorado’s Wild Turkeys

Wild turkeys are large, incredibly gorgeous birds with layers and layers of deeply iridescent feathers. The males are quite flashy looking and seem to know just how handsome they are. Being quite vain, they will strut, preen, fan out their tail feathers and do just...

Ice Cold Turkey

One recent afternoon, when we were in the grip of a deep freeze, I went down to the barn to check on the animals, and there in the watering trough, was one of our turkey hens.  She was half submerged but buoyed up by a chunk of ice.  The poor thing was...

Turkey Surprise

I was busily brushing Belle, one of our six Great Pyrenees, as she was full of matted hair, twigs,...

 One of the many benefits of living where your neighbors can't see you is being able to go...

The stork was busy today

The stork was busy today

One of our Bourbon Red hens, Mango, has been sitting on a clutch of 14 eggs for 4 weeks.  I had thought that she had stopped laying as I hadn't found any of her eggs for a while, and then one day, quite unexpectedly, I came upon her stash in one of our lilac...

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Turkeys & ‘Pacas & Hail, Oh My!!!!

Turkeys & ‘Pacas & Hail, Oh My!!!!

#1 & #2..yes, those are their names!It all started Saturday morning when hubby and I went to buy a mating pair of Bourbon Red heritage breed turkeys.  We currently have 2 juveniles that are 15 weeks old and as such won't be ready to breed for quite a...

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