The sun is just beginning to color the morning sky but already the animals are up and active.

The young turkeys, who rarely if ever respect their boundaries, are again pushing their limits by trying to perch on our back porch.  Adam is having none of it and as each poult attempts to mount the steps, Adam fends them off with a lunge and a warning bark, all just a lot of show as he knows he is the guardian of these animals, but clearly someone has to show them who is boss HA!

The cows, recent additions, are grazing and 2 have jumped the fence to graze because as we all know, the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side.
One of our young roosters is practicing his crowing but sounds more like a teenage boy going thru puberty.
And behind all this flurry of morning activity is the pure sweet sound of the morning – silence – no lawnmowers or cars…heaven!

So begins another day at Rolling E Ranch.

Happy Trails….Diana

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