Finally, after snow and mud and ice, the barn build is complete!!

The crew had completed the siding the previous day so bright and early, the crew was at work putting up the roof. 

We had double sliding doors going up on the north and south end of the barn.  Here one of the crew is putting up the track for the massive doors. 
Hubby designed the barn with enough height so that a semi loaded with hay could drive through.

The interior has lots of wonderful natural light thanks to the 10 semi transparent panels on the roof, 5 on either ridge.
Our current barn has no light panels and it is dark as a cave inside, so this feature is something I am quite excited about.

So what are we going to do with all this wonderful new space?
I will have a fiber room where I can skirt all the bags of alpaca fleece we have been accumulating for the past 2 years.
Alpacas LOVE LOVE LOVE to role in the dirt and all that fine dust and debris works its way down in to the fleece making it a mess to clean out.  This really is not something to do in the basement so the barn will be perfect.

  I will also be able to move the mountains of bags full of fleece to the barn to store while I am working my way thru them.
Some will go to a small mill to be turned in to yarn, roving and batts which I will sell, and some I will process with my picker and carder.

There will be lots of uses for the barn as we move forward so more to follow.

Until next time, Happy Trails

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