There’s an old shed down by our barn that looks to have been used to house chickens and who knows what else over the years.  We decided it would be a good place to house our Bourbon Red heritage turkeys until we came up with something more permanent.

The inside looked like it hadn’t been cleaned out in at least 100 years.  There were old mud wasp & spider nests…yuck…bird poo, dead bird bones, and years of dust.

As I was sweeping out the detritus of years, I started thinking about old westerns I had watched.  The ones where pioneer women arrived  at their new homes on the plains only to find they hadn’t been cleaned out in years and had dirt floors.  Those women were certainly made of sterner stuff than I. After all, I was in this small shed, sweat dripping down my back, having the heebie jeebies over a few spider webs and those women were in long skirts, petticoats, chemises and such…how they managed I will never know, but they were tough.

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